Our main goal is to turn your event into a special and unforgettable experience by writing the speech you need as the occasion requires.
The result of our efforts is very smooth and pleasant, with just the right amount of spark and emotion. It is our intention that every event should be unique. That is why we work in a customized way, respecting our customers’ individual profile.
International Association of Coaching through SLAC: Registration 318-200414
Announcer-Presenter-Entertainer: Registration 0050370/SP
Journalist: Registration 0081328/SP
Owner of a powerful and distinctive voice, Vicente comes from Mogi das Cruzes, a city in the surroundings of São Paulo. Married, with children, he appreciates the principles of family and marriage. His main strength lies in oratory. He gives confident, clear and fluent speeches related to different subjects and is used to speaking at events and conferences. His speeches are dotted with his own life experience, which brings truth and credibility to the moment.
Thanks to a versatile background as an entrepreneur, speaker, journalist, announcer-presenter-entertainer, besides holding certificates as Professional Coach and Behavioral Profile Analyst DiSC, he adjusts easily to different environments, always trying to host events as successfully as briefed.
Event Host | Conference Host
We are ready to conduct your event professionally with the right amount of sophistication. Through a clear and well-prepared speech, full of charism and enthusiasm, we seek to provide guests with unforgettable moments.
Motivational Speeches as Briefed
Companies and institutions are made up of people, who are, in turn, moved by emotion. The corporate environment, to which contribute every person’s humor and motivation, can directly impact on productivity, performance and results. That is why constantly renewing the hearts of employees is so important.
We offer a vast array of motivational speeches which will encourage your team through dynamic and upbeat oratory. By means of instructive and real-life examples, we will explore the will of each individual to give his / her best. You will be surprised by how words can change a person.
Motivated employees are one of the pillars of a successful business. That is why the professionals responsible for each department need to be able to transmit optimism and reliability. Keeping a permanent motivational program demands planning, apt professionals, investment in infrastructure and continuous assessment of results. All of these initiatives are normally quit due to implementation difficulties or high costs.
Given the scenario above, Vicent’s has created C.A.M.T.O. (Centro de Atendimento Motivacional e Treinamento em Oratória – A Center of Motivational Help and Training in Oratory). It consists of a program to make it possible for your company or institution to create and develop abilities aimed at productive meetings, impacting speech giving and result achievement.
In its full version, the program encompasses the permanent installation of a help and training center to serve all company levels. We provide all the equipment, furniture and professionals required so that your company only needs to worry about analyzing and harvesting the good results.
About Speeches.
About Motivational Programs and Training in Oratory.